Patient Forms

The first visit to our office is designed to get you better acquainted with all we offer as well as introduce you to Dr. Evans and our caring staff. We encourage questions and do our best to always deliver quality care. Please take a moment prior to your scheduled appointment to download our patient forms. We ask that you complete the forms and bring them with you to your appointment so we may better assist you in a timely manner. Thank you for your confidence in our office, we look forward to assisting you with all your dental needs.

Patient Registration 

Patient Medical Form

Patient Records Release Form

Release of Verbal Dental Information


Acknowledgement Receipt of Notice of Privacy

Insurance and Financial Policy

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Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office at 503-556-0002 or use the contact form below.

Where to Find Us

Call: 5035560002

P.O. Box 1029
Rainier, OR 97048


Rainier Dentists, Dr. Sara Evans has a multispecialty practice and focus on quality cosmetic dentistry, prosthodontic and implant dentistry. Using state-of-the-art dental techniques such as bleaching, porcelain laminate veneers, crown and bridgework, dental implants, and the latest dental products. Please come visit Rainier Dentists, Dr. Sara Evans.

P.O. Box 1029|
Rainier, OR 97048

©2025 Northwest Family Dental|Site Map

Northwest Family Dental
608 W B St Rainier, OR 97048
Phone: (503) 556-0002 URL of Map